In January 2022, ShureLine achieved five plus years and over one million-man hours worked without a lost time incident.
Safety at ShureLine has been and always will be the top priority for our management and employees. Over the last 30+ years, ShureLine safety performance has been top notch, with low frequency and severity of incidents. The total recordable rate has been significantly less than the national average and experience modification rate (EMR) has been consistently less than 1.0. As of January 2022, ShureLine Construction is proud to announce a safety milestone of five plus years and over one- million-man hours worked without a lost time incident.
Safety Policy
The ShureLine Safety Policy consists of over 50 safety procedures, including key procedures required by OSHA for all safety policies and programs. ShureLine embraces a zero drug and alcohol tolerance policy, as safety is not only a core principle, but a state of mind.
ShureLine regularly provides all employees with regulatory, task based, and best practice safety training. Ongoing training includes toolbox talks to provide weekly training and refresher awareness to all employees. Additional training, such as equipment operation is regularly conducted to ensure adequate jobsite proficiency. ShureLine also participates in customer specific safety programs to work towards the safe and successful execution of all projects.
Safety trends and topics are a part of owner and general foremen meetings to regularly monitor performance and trending. A multi-tiered safety committee which includes employee involvement from executive management, mid management, and field employees works to illustrate real life safety situations. Our safety staff consists of experienced safety professionals, who regularly conduct field inspections to aid our employees through management of the safety program.